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ADHD and Sex featuring Catie Osborn, aka CatieOsaurus

  • Men's ADHD Support Group New York City, NY United States (map)

ADHD and Sex featuring Catie Osborn, aka CatieOsuarus

Delve into the intricate relationship between ADHD and Sex with sex educator and mental health advocate CatieOsaurus.

In her engaging and candid style, Catie will address common challenges faced by individuals with ADHD in their sexual relationships.

Drawing from her extensive background, she will explore topics

such as:

  • Understand how ADHD-related executive function challenges can impact sexual experiences and relationships.

  • Learn strategies for effective communication and consent, considering the unique perspectives of those with ADHD.

  • Discover techniques to cope with heightened sensitivity to rejection in intimate settings.

Following the discussion, we will also have a Q&A for those joining us!

With your donation, you'll gain access to this one-of-a-kind discussion and help the Men’s ADHD Support Group in our mission to provide community and support for men with ADHD.

February 16

Navigating Communication and Connection in ADHD Relationships