Unlocking Productivity: Embracing the GROWN Mindset for ADHD Men

As we go through life, we often hear about the importance of having a growth mindset. The idea that we can always learn, improve, and grow is a powerful one, and it can help us to achieve great things. But as important as a growth mindset is, it's not the only mindset that we need to have. There is another mindset that is more important, and that is what I’m now calling GROWN mindset thanks to my friend Brendan Mehan of ADHD Essentials.

So what the heck is a GROWN mindset, you may ask?

It's a mindset that is all about forgiving yourself and emphasizing the power of acknowledging your progress.

It's about recognizing that guilt is an unproductive emotion that can hold you back, and that you can be much more productive when you focus on the positive.

For many of us, especially those with ADHD, guilt can be a constant companion. We may feel guilty for not getting things done, for forgetting important tasks, or for making mistakes.

But here is an important message that I really want to land for all the readers - guilt is not a productive emotion. It doesn't help us to get things done, and it can actually make us feel worse about ourselves.

Instead of dwelling on our mistakes and feeling guilty, we need to focus on our wins. We need to recognize how far we've come and celebrate our progress. Every time we achieve something, no matter how small, it's a win. It's a step in the right direction, and it's something that we should be proud of.

When we focus on our wins, we create a positive feedback loop. We feel good about ourselves, which motivates us to keep going and achieve even more. Our wins become a rocket fuel source of inspiration, proof that what's next in our minds is possible.

So, my fellow ADHDers, I urge you to embrace the GROWN mindset. Forgive yourself for your mistakes, focus on your wins, and let them be a source of inspiration and motivation.

Don't let guilt hold you back. Instead, use your progress as fuel to keep moving forward. You've come a long way, and you have so much potential. Keep pushing, and never forget that you are capable of achieving great things.

Marc Almodovar, a life coach and founder of a non-profit organization, has 4+ years of experience helping highly sensitive men with ADHD to achieve true self-confidence and live a life of authenticity by reducing people-pleasing behaviors and increasing healthy boundaries.

With Marc's guidance, clients can embrace the GROWN mindset and unlock their full potential for greater productivity and fulfillment.

For one on one coaching, learn more here.

Marc Almodovar is a community builder, social media influencer, and the Founder of Men’s ADHD Support Group, who since being diagnosed at age 16 with ADHD, has been working to be an advocate for a holistic treatment of ADHD, especially in men.
He is a dynamic
public speaker, an inspired leader, and he has dedicated his life to changing the mindset of people everywhere about the necessity of mental healthcare and ADHD Awareness. For one-on-one coaching check him out today!

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